Andre Thomas, Seorang Tahanan Yang Makan Matanya Sendiri

Andre Thomas, Seorang Tahanan Yang Makan Matanya Sendiri

Berita saya ambil dari situs luar negeri perihal perilaku sakit jiwa dari seorang narapidana bernama andre thomas, 25 th. Ia memiliki perilaku yang juga tidak normal, aneh, luar biasa, dan menjadi berita Hot.

Ia ditahan karena menikam istrinya Laura Christine Boren, 20; anaknya old Andre Lee, 4 th; dan putri 13 bulannya Leyha Marie Hughes pada bulan maret 2004. Lebih dari itu, dia juga mengeluarkan hati mereka. Setelah membunuh ketiganya, dia menusuk dadanya sendiri. Dokumen pengadilan menyatakan bahwa ketiganya memiliki bekas luka yang amat besar di dada. Andre Thomas juga menceritakan kronologi dia membunuh ketiganya, mengambil hati mereka plus menaruhnya di dompet, lalu meninggalkan apartemen mereka untuk selanjutnya pulang ke rumahnya. Terakhir yang dilakukannya adalah memasukkan hati istri dan anak2nya ke kantung plastik dan membuangnya ke tempat sampah.

"He will finally be able to receive the mental health care that we had wanted and begged for from day one," Bobbie Peterson-Cate, Thomas' trial attorney, told the Sherman Herald Democrat. "He is insane and mentally ill. It is exactly the same reason he pulled out the last one."

At his trial, defence lawyers also argued he suffered from alcohol and drug abuse.
Thomas does not have an execution date.

Thomas, from Texoma, walked into the Sherman Police Department and told a dispatcher he had just murdered the three and had stabbed himself in the chest.

Thomas told police how he put his victims' hearts in his pocket and left their apartment, took them home, put them in a plastic bag and threw them in the trash.

Court documents described the three victims as having "large, gaping wounds to their chests."

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